What are NFTs? How to create NFT for free?

by | 10 Feb, 2023 | How to

NFTs stand for Non-Fungible Tokens and are a type of cryptocurrency used to store the data in the blockchain. NFTs can be purchased or sold, traded or minted, transfer the ownership to anyone upon buy or sale.

Have you heard of the metaverse? It’s a three-dimensional virtual world in which individuals can sell and buy goods or digital assets online. It is getting popular since 2019 since the number of crypto users increasing day by day.

This blog can help you if your queries are ‘ how to create my NFT ’ and if you are a beginner.

What is the NFTs Marketplace?

It is a platform where the buying and selling of NFT with crypto-currencies by blockchain technology. Data is maintained in blocks that are linked together in a chain and stored in a public blockchain, which is a top-level technology platform that permits open information exchange inside a company’s network.

There are lots of NFT Marketplace platforms but the best popular NFTs marketplace platforms in 2023 are:

  1. OpenSea
  2. Rarible
  3. WazirX
  4. Binance
  5. Jupiter Meta
  6. Axie Infinity
  7. Bollycoin
  8. BuyUCoin
  9. Nifty Gateway
  10.  Mintable

Steps to create NFT from OpenSea Marketplace

OpenSea is the most popular and best for minting, selling, or buying NFT collectibles items in the form of digital assets through NFT Blockchain.

Here is the guide to creating your first NFT item from the OpenSea Platform:

1. Log in to OpenSea

To create an OpenSea account, you must first create a crypto wallet. A crypto wallet is an interface tool that allows users to store and access virtual items.

What is the best crypto wallet for NFTs?

Metamask is the popular and best crypto wallet for NFT but you can try another wallet also, Here is the list of best crypto wallets in 2023:

  • Metamask
  • Coinbase Wallet
  • Wallet Connect
  • Ledger
  • Phantom
  • Bitkeep
  • Glow
  • Core
  • Fortmatic
  • Kaikas

How to create a Metamask wallet for NFT?

Metamask is a wallet for the NFTs marketplace and it works on the Ethereum crypto wallet. Here is the guide to creating and using the MetaMask wallet:

  • Step 1. Install Metamask:

If you are on a desktop then you can download the metamask extension for chrome from their website metamask.io. 

If you want to download it on mobile you can also download it for ios or android devices.

  • Step2. Create an account:

1. Click create a wallet > create a password > create.

2. You will see secret words, it helps you to log in next time later > click reveal secret words.

3. Copy secret words & save them in a safe place and don’t share this code with anyone.

4. Now Confirm your security phrase code in the correct order and click Confirm.

Your account is successfully created and an Ethereum wallet address will be created automatically for you which is used for NFT minting, buying, or selling of digital items.

  • Step3. Add Funds:

If you have Ethereum you can add on a meta mask wallet, which is used for buying or selling NFTs.

If you want to mint or list on the NFT marketplace then you can ignore this step but you need just your wallet address which is a public address and you can share the address with anyone for transactions.

2. Connect wallet to OpenSea

  • After creating a meta mask wallet account go to opensea.io
  • Click on the wallet icon at the top right of the website header
  • Now select meta mask wallet
  • Now you can see your wallet account > click next > connect

Now your wallet is connected to OpenSea and the account will automatically be created for you, you can see your account by going to your profile and see your OpenSea account’s Ethereum address.

You can customize your OpenSea profile by going to Settings, you can change your username, profile image, profile banner, bio, email, and social links.

3. Create NFTs from OpenSea

After creating an opensea account now you can create your NFT and list it on the Opensea marketplace, if someone like the NFT that you have created and minted they can bid and can buy your NFT and crypto will transfer to your wallet, that is Ethereum for metamask wallet.

  • Before creating NFT, create a collection by going to the profile icon and selecting create a collection.
  • Now customized your collection and fill in the required fields, you can name it, add a logo, add a featured image of NFT items, a banner image, a custom URL for your collection, give a description, add a category, you can give your social links, add creator earning percentage that means if someone purchased an NFT from you and resell it to someone and that percentage of profit will be given to you.
  • Now select Blockchain, if you want to list NFT for free then the blockchain will be different that is Polygon and this works on Ethereum without the gas fee.
  • Select a theme for your collection as NFT items will be previewed according to the selected theme, Now click create.

Now you have created your collection and now you can create NFT items and add to your collection, for creating items just follow the below steps:

1. Click add items in your collection selected or Click Create.

2. Add an Image, video, or 3d model of your NFT item.

3. Give your item a Name.

4. Give an external link that means if you want to explain your NFT item then you can add a link of your blog etc.

5. Give a description of your NFT item.

6. Choose the collection that you have created.

7. Add properties, stats, and levels as you want.

8. You can select unlockable content and sensitive content if required.

9. Choose supply, which means how many copies or how many times you want to sell this NFT item.

10. Choose Blockchain, or Polygon if you want to list for free in the NFT marketplace.

11. Click Create, and your item will be created.

12. Click sell if you want to sell that NFT item.

13. Choose quantity, price, and duration of listing for that item.

14. Click complete listing > Unlock currency > metamask will pop up, click Sign > now click Sign message.

Now your NFT item is listed successfully on OpenSea Marketplace and you can share the link of the NFT created by you.

Also Read: What is Metaverse? Future in Metaverse


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