6 Technology used in the Hubble telescope

by | 18 Apr, 2023 | Space

The Hubble Space Telescope has revolutionized our understanding of the universe since its launch in 1990. With its powerful imaging capabilities and ability to observe the cosmos across the electromagnetic spectrum, Hubble has helped scientists make groundbreaking discoveries about everything from the formation of stars and galaxies to the nature of dark matter and dark energy. 

But how does the Hubble telescope work? Let’s take a closer look at the technology behind this remarkable instrument.

1. The Optics

At the heart of the Hubble telescope is its optical system, which includes a 2.4-meter (7.9-foot) primary mirror and a suite of advanced instruments for capturing and analyzing light. The mirror is made of ultra-pure, low-expansion glass and coated with a thin layer of aluminum to enhance its reflectivity. This mirror is responsible for gathering light from distant objects and focusing it onto the telescope’s detectors.

One of the key features of Hubble’s optics is its ability to correct for the distortion of light caused by the Earth’s atmosphere. This is achieved using a device called a Corrective Optics Space Telescope Axial Replacement (COSTAR), which was installed on the telescope during a servicing mission in 1993. The COSTAR contains a set of small mirrors that can be used to redirect light and compensate for the distortion caused by the atmosphere.

2. The Detectors

The detectors in the Hubble telescope are incredibly sensitive and can detect light across a wide range of wavelengths, from ultraviolet to near-infrared. These detectors include Charge-Coupled Devices (CCDs) and Multi-Anode Microchannel Arrays (MAMAs), which are used to capture images and spectra of astronomical objects. The Hubble’s detectors are cooled to near absolute zero (-273 degrees Celsius) to reduce background noise and improve their sensitivity.

The Hubble’s detectors are also equipped with a range of filters and gratings that allow scientists to study specific wavelengths of light. For example, the telescope’s ultraviolet detectors are used to study the composition of stars and galaxies, while its infrared detectors are used to study the formation of planets and the structure of distant galaxies.

3. The Solar Panels

The Hubble telescope is powered by sunlight, which is captured by a set of two solar panels. These panels are made of a lightweight, high-strength material called Kapton and are covered with a layer of photovoltaic cells that convert sunlight into electricity. The panels are designed to rotate to face the sun as the telescope orbits the Earth, ensuring a constant supply of power.

Hubble’s solar panels are also equipped with a system that allows them to be adjusted to optimize their performance. This is important because the amount of sunlight that reaches the telescope varies depending on its position in orbit and the angle of the Sun.

4. The Gyroscopes

The Hubble telescope uses a set of six gyroscopes to help it maintain its orientation and stability in space. These gyroscopes are sensitive to changes in the telescope’s position and can make adjustments to keep it pointed accurately at its target. In addition to the gyroscopes, the Hubble also has a set of reaction wheels that can be used to adjust its orientation.

Hubble’s gyroscope system has been critical to its success, allowing it to maintain its stability and accuracy over the course of its long mission. However, in recent years the telescope has experienced problems with its gyroscopes, which have required careful management by the Hubble team to ensure the telescope continues to function effectively.

5. The Communications System

The Hubble telescope communicates with Earth using a sophisticated system of antennas and receivers. Data from the telescope is transmitted to a network of ground stations around the world, where it is processed and analyzed by scientists. The communications system also allows scientists and engineers to send commands to the telescope, such as instructions for changing its orientation or adjusting its instruments.

One of the challenges of communicating with the Hubble telescope is its distance from Earth. The telescope orbits at an altitude of around 540 kilometers (335 miles), which means it is outside of the Earth’s atmosphere but still relatively close to the planet. However, this distance can cause delays in communications, with signals taking several minutes to travel between the telescope and ground stations.

To overcome this challenge, the Hubble team has developed a system called the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite (TDRS) network. This network consists of a series of satellites in geosynchronous orbit around the Earth, which can receive and transmit data to the Hubble and ground stations. The TDRS system has greatly improved the speed and reliability of communications with the Hubble telescope.

6. The Servicing Missions

One of the unique features of the Hubble telescope is its ability to be serviced and upgraded by astronauts in space. Since its launch in 1990, the Hubble has been visited by several servicing missions, during which astronauts have replaced old instruments, installed new ones, and repaired or upgraded various components.

These servicing missions have been critical to the continued success of the Hubble telescope. For example, during the first servicing mission in 1993, astronauts installed the COSTAR device to correct atmospheric distortion. In later missions, astronauts installed new instruments such as the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) and the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS), which have greatly expanded Hubble’s imaging capabilities.

The technology behind the Hubble Space Telescope is truly remarkable, allowing scientists to observe and study the universe in ways that were once thought impossible. From its advanced optics and detectors to its communications and servicing systems, the Hubble represents a triumph of human ingenuity and engineering. As the telescope continues to operate and make new discoveries, it will undoubtedly inspire generations to come to explore the mysteries of the cosmos.

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