Modern Tech: The Environmental Technology

by | 18 Feb, 2023 | Technology

In spite of the fact that technology has had a very severe impact on the environment, this essay examines the contradictory idea that environmental technology may be able to repair the damage already done.

Technology is used to describe how scientific information is applied in the real world as well as the tools and gadgets that result from that application. At the moment, change is happening quickly. There, technology advancements are transforming our lifestyles while also driving us closer to catastrophe due to resource scarcity and climate change.


The creation of new technologies that conserve, monitor, or lessen the negative effects of technology on the environment and human consumption is referred to as environmental technology, sometimes known as “green” or “clean” technology. consumption of resources.

The recent rise in worldwide concern about climate change has led to the creation of new environmental technologies to help solve some of these issues, despite the harmful effects of technology on the environment. The biggest environmental concerns our society faces through moving towards a more sustainable economy, low carbon economy.

Environmental Technology Development – Examples of Environmental Technology

Renewable energy

Sustainable power/Renewable energy, Many times, the terms “clean energy” or “renewable energy” refers to the energy that is produced from naturally replenishing renewable resources, such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves, and geothermal heat.

Modern environmental technology has made it possible for us to harness this naturally occurring energy and convert it into power or useful heat, which demonstrates a highly positive impact of technology on the environment. Examples of these tools include solar panels, wind turbines, and water turbines.

Smart technology 

Smart homes employ devices like connecting sensors and other IoT-connected appliances that can be monitored and controlled remotely in order to be as energy-efficient as feasible and to adapt to human needs.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of web-connected things with embedded sensor technology that can gather and exchange data. This information enables network devices to automatically “make decisions” based on real-time information. For example, smart lighting systems only illuminate areas where it’s needed, and smart thermostats keep homes at a certain temperature at certain times of the day, helping to reduce waste.

Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and smart sensors are becoming more prevalent in homes, businesses, and cities, which has improved internet connectivity and made it possible for this environmental technology to be developed. The concept of affordable “smart city” energy will emerge in future cities, experts believe, where every automobile, phone, air conditioner, lamp, and other device will be connected.

Electric vehicles

One or more electric motors that power the ecologically beneficial technology of an electric vehicle with power from rechargeable batteries. Since 2008, there has been a significant increase in the manufacture of electric cars due to the need to reduce environmental issues including air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere.

Due to their lack of carbon emissions, which contribute to the “greenhouse effect” and cause global warming, electric vehicles show a positive impact of technology on the environment. They are also less damaging to the health of people, animals, plants, and water because they do not add to air pollution.

Environmental Technology from Edinburgh Sensors 

As they frequently play a crucial role in the monitoring and mitigation of hazardous behaviors, sensors significantly contribute to the good influence of technology on the environment. We manufacture custom gas sensing technology at Edinburgh Sensors that may be applied to a variety of situations, many of which can be used to reduce environmental risks.

The monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions, the monitoring of methane using an infrared sensor, and the detection of gasses using a UAV drone are the only three applications that are discussed in this article.

•Monitoring of greenhouse emissions

Measurements of CO, CO2, and CH4 are of the highest caliber, accuracy, and dependability from Edinburgh Sensors Gascard NG.

•Using an Infrared Sensor for reliable Methane monitoring:

A variety of scientific, industrial, and environmental applications, such as pollution monitoring, agricultural research, chemical processes, and many more, use Edinburgh Sensors’ Gascard NG for methane detection.

•Using a UAV drone attached to a gas sensor to measure harmful gasses:

There are various reasons to utilize a drone to monitor carbon dioxide, methane, and other hydrocarbon gas concentrations in remote or hazardous regions, from tracking global warming to tracking the spread of pollutants.

Also Read: Technologies Scarier than Clowns? [Tech Fear]


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